Friday, November 1, 2013

Shut Up Devil!

Sometimes you gotta tell the devil to Shut Up! When he's talking to you dont sit and listen to his lies talk back! Like Jesus did on the mountain when the enemy question Him about his Heavenly Father. God gave you the authority to stomp on the enemy the day you gave your life to him. Its by His blood we can speak life during spiritual warfare. Imagine if Jesus stood there believing everything the devil was telling him and then starting to doubt God on what he can do. Where would we be right now if He did??? Use the tool God gave you... Your tongue. It's there for a reason. Speak up my brothers and sisters. The fight is not between us but the enemy and his army. You are more than what the enemy is telling you if only you would believe. Praying God will quiet our minds so we can hear him more. #MinisteringToYou&Myself