Friday, May 20, 2016

Like The Woman At The Well

Like the woman at well
I needed a savior and didn’t know it.
I was looking for something or someone but couldn’t quite touch it.
When that didn’t work I started self-cutting.
Wearing my scars like a showcasing.
Only focusing on the pain I was self consuming.
Self absorbed no one could tell me anything.
Not that I would let them know it anyway.
Now here I am with no one to talk with.
Trust no longer occupies this space.
Going through this motion.
Looking for a potion to subtract the reality that I need help.
Because that would mean I have to face my demons.
I just couldn’t see that happening.
My spirit was able but my body was weak.
I wanted to pray God take this cup away from me.
I tried to find a cheat sheet.
There had to be an easier way to escape this war within.
Then I rememebered mama reading me a scripture
“Put my yoke upon your shoulders.
It might appear heavy at first but it’s fitted to your curves.
learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart.
When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will rest.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Like the woman at the well.
I was introduced to what I was searching.
His name was no other than Jesus.
That part of my brokeness started mending.
I was finally at peace with my being.
I let go and let God have all of me.
With all of me, He was able to give me all of him.
Now I’m writing rhymes about him